Tuesday, July 31, 2007
In Violation of Federal Law, Ohio's 2004 Presidential Election Records Are Destroyed or Missing
I am shocked....oh, who am I kidding. Par for the course. Via Raw Story.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:41 PM
NJ body is that of missing NYC artist
A body found by a New Jersey fisherman last month was that of artist Jeremy Blake, the New York Police Department confirmed Tuesday.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:34 PM
RIP Tom Snyder
Tom Snyder was a big part of my childhood. I appreciated his honest manner and opinionated style. What passes for broadcast television these days could use a few more men like Snyder. He was the real deal. Fire up the colortinis, people, and let the pictures come at you through the air.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:58 AM
Spirit d'escalier -- in memory of Theresa Duncan
Writer Glenn O'Brien has posted a tribute to Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake on Theresa'a blog.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:45 AM
Chemists Study Mysterious Substance
It didn't rain cats and dogs, apparently something strange did come from the sky in Bucks County.Via Rigorous Intuition.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:44 AM
Mystery of Dartmoor beast
Stunned walkers came across the mysterious muscular creature on a moorland track.
It is the size of a bear and moved like a wild cat as children rock-climbed nearby.See also: Mystery surrounds 'big cat' photo (With pic).
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:20 AM
Sightings of mysterious giant bird continue in San Antonio
Strange sightings of a huge flying creature have been reported as recently as six months ago. Is it a monster or myth?
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:15 AM
The existence of the buried French hoard became known almost immediately following the surrender of Fort Niagara, as the Ohio Indians brought by the French got to know their newfound Mohawk friends over flagons of rum. In fact, reports of the treasure were appearing in newspapers back east less than a month later.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:05 AM
Portage County: Home of the Bigfoot?
The Bigfoot Field Research Organization says Portage County is first in Ohio with 13 reported encounters with the big, hairy fella.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:01 AM
South Texas rancher finds mysterious animal
Reports of blue, hairless creatures roaming the countryside from Elmendorf to Cuero. Ranchers talking of livestock being drained of blood.
Put the two together, and it sounds like the legend of the chupacabra. One rancher says she has the evidence to back it up.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:57 AM
Turin Shrouds Its Magic, Black and White, in Plain Sight
Turin is a magical city -- but not the kind of magic one associates with dreamy fantasylands or Disney. Case in point: In a candle-lit wine bar in the Quadrilatero Romano, a buddingly hip district for wining and dining in central Turin, two 20-something locals were trying to show me which city landmarks can be connected to make up a Satanic pentagram. A growing chorus of dissenters began to surround our table, everyone throwing out their own versions of the five-pointed star.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:55 AM
The Yorkshire man who taught Houdini to make an elephant disappear
The Vanishing Elephant became one of Houdini's most famous tricks and he performed it in front of over a million people. For more than 90 years, long after his death, the tradecraft by which he made this huge beast disappear remained a secret even other magicians failed to solve.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:49 AM
Lunar Flash Mystery Solved
The moon has gas.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:47 AM
Ufo Mystery Solved
Chinese lanterns?
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:39 AM
Mysterious Indian battle is 'holy grail' of Alabama digs
Historians gleaning descriptions from written accounts of Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto's expedition across the South say the earliest and bloodiest battle between Europeans and Indians happened at Mauvilla, a fortified village that researchers spell a variety of other ways, including Mabila and Mavila.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:35 AM
Coffee-exercise Combo can Prevent Skin Cancer
Drinking coffee and exercising may prevent skin cancer by killing off cells damaged by the sun's ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation, said a study of hairless laboratory mice published Monday.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:30 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Gathering my wits about me
I'm still processing the deaths of Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake but a few things have struck me as odd thus far. 1). Jeremy Blake's Wikipedia page was recently edited (from a New York IP address) to include the information that "Blake's badly decomposed remains were subsequently found by a fisherman about 30 miles to the south of Rockaway Beach off the New Jersey shore." This statement is footnoted to an article that includes no such information and as of this writing there has been no confirmation that the body pulled Sunday from the ocean off New Jersey is Jeremy.Also in the Wiki entry is this statement: Blake was the romantic partner of aspiring cultural critic and pioneering video game artist Theresa Duncan who, having fallen on hard times, killed herself the week before Blake took his own life. (Emphasis mine) I'm unaware of any information that Theresa had fallen on hard times. For most people, a loving relationship, the respect of your peers, and a desirable New York City address do not constitute hard times. If so, please, send some hard times my way. Is this inside information or someone trying to shape the narrative? 2). On Friday, June 1st, Theresa posted a short poem by Sarah Hannah and linked to the young poet's obituary. Sarah Hannah, who was the same age as Theresa, reportedly committed suicide.Age was not the only thing these two talented and doomed women had in common.   Could two people resemble each other any more closely without being twins? I've been unable to uncover any other links between the two women aside from their polymathic natures and tragic deaths. What the hell does this mean, if anything? Is this some sort of cosmic joke or is there a deeper message?
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:32 AM
Egyptians played ancient version of bowling 2000 years back
Egyptians played an ancient version of bowling between the second and third century AD, recent excavations some 56 miles south of capital Cairo by a team of Italian archaeologists has revealed.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:43 AM
Didn't They Learn Anything from 'Poltergeist'?
Cook County, in the midst of its many budget crises, is considering selling the land as an attempt to garner some quick cash. What’s the catch? For several decades, that land was used as a “potter’s field” to house the bodies of the poor and the homeless. You know the county budget’s bad when the government’s trying to sell off corpses.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:36 AM
To catch a ghost
Paranormal investigators swarm Santa Paula's Glen Tavern Inn in search of headless prostitutes, dead filmmakers and murdered card sharks.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:29 AM
Bring on the levitating lady ...
How the freaks returned to the British seaside.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:28 AM
The evolution of the flying car
The 1930 film Just Imagine might have sealed the idea in people's minds by presenting a New York City of the 1980s, an urban landscape replete with 200-storey skyscrapers and personal biplanes.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:27 AM
New Da Vinci mystery uncovered?
A computer analyst claims to have discovered new images in Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper, one of the world's best-loved religious paintings.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:24 AM
Science of smooching
PASH, PECK, SMACK, SMOOCH, SNOG. In its various forms the kiss has long been a source of inspiration to lovers, musicians and poets — less well-known is that scientists have also been getting some of the action.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:23 AM
Unsolved Axe Murder Documentary to Air on KPTS
Award-winning axe murder documentary "Villisca: Living with a Mystery" will air on KPTS July 29 at 7pm. The film explores connections between the 1912 Villisca, Iowa axe murders and similar unsolved murders in Kansas, Illinois and Colorado.Press release.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:20 AM
Jim Morrison's death mystery divides biographers
Did Jim Morrison OD on a nightclub toilet or die of a drug-induced heart attack in a bathtub at home? Thirty-six years after the death in Paris of The Doors legend, biographers are locking horns over his final hours.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:15 AM
Mystery surrounds mummified baby found in Toronto attic
The mummified remains of an infant found wrapped in a package and buried beneath the floorboards of a Toronto home faces days of examination before anything can be confirmed about its life and death.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:12 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Authorities: Body found in ocean might be missing artist
Authorities are trying to determine if a body found floating more than four miles off the New Jersey coast Sunday is that of Jeremy Blake.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:39 PM
Theresa Duncan, RIP
It is with great sadness that I report the death of Theresa Duncan and the probable death of her partner Jeremy Blake. Both are apparent suicides. Theresa was a great friend of this blog and her insight and friendship will be missed. My condolences to her friends and family. I have no idea how long her blog, Wit of the Staircase, will remain up but, for now, her charm and erudition are there for everyone to see. Here's another news story on the tragedy.As you can imagine, the blogosphere has many comments on Theresa and Jeremy's untimely deaths, as well as some questions. Rigorous Intuition.Ron Rosenbaum.SmellyBlogThis news has depressed me tremendously. Goodbye, Theresa. Thanks for everything.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:30 AM
Ghostly guests in Prosser home
Debora Jennings knows just how many times the closet door in her guest room has opened on its own -- 27.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:27 AM
The History of Palmistry
The Gypsy Fortune Teller Bows Out to the Male Expert.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:24 AM
Asian parasite may be to blame for bee deaths
An Asian parasite that's been blamed for bee deaths in Europe has been found in Canadian hives, and a Maritime entomologist says he thinks it may have played a part in killing bees in the region.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:21 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Olathe's Hairy Wildman
This one is from my neck of the woods.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:07 PM
Megafishes Project to Size Up "Real-Life Loch Ness Monsters"
Join National Geographic News on the trail with project leader Zeb Hogan as he tracks down the world's largest freshwater fishes.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:40 PM
Lines that keep the dead alive
A selection of Britain's wittiest epitaphs.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:37 PM
Princess claims clairvoyant powers, aims to share them
Norway's Princess Märtha Louise, daughter of King Harald and Queen Sonja, has emerged as a clairvoyant, and is launching an alternative school aimed at training students to contact angels. Officials at the Royal Palace won't comment on the princess' latest business venture.Via Fark.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:23 PM
Rare jungle deer photographed for the first time
A camera trap has captured the first ever pictures of an elusive forest deer in its natural habitat, reports the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).With pic.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:18 PM
UFO Round Up
Author says UFO-Air Force dogfight ended in FlatwoodsUFO sightings bring town to a standstillLeaked 'Top Secret' Government UFO Documents Proven FraudsMystery UFO sighting (With pic)
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:16 PM
Lucky Collector Finds Rare Mormon Religious Books
The volumes are rare and likely worth much more than the purchaser paid, say booksellers who trade in early writings from leaders of the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's still a mystery how the books made their to the thrift store.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:10 PM
Bat Boy sheds a tear: Weekly World News quits
Weekly World News, the tabloid that for 28 years has chronicled sightings of Elvis, extraterrestrial activity and the exploits of Bat Boy, is no more. Its publisher said today it would put out its last issue next month, maintaining only a Web presence.This is sad news.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:04 PM
Mystery Rocks That Beg More Questions Than Answers
The un-explained inscriptions make the defiant rock almost mythical.
The foot-like imprints similar in size to those of human beings clearly showing from the surface advance the mystery.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:01 PM
Newly exposed ledge 'footprint' inspires legends
When crews blasting ledge for the Penobscot Narrows Bridge crafted a new path for Route 1, they never suspected they would create a new attraction beside the bridge.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:15 PM
Schiller's family exhumed as scientists work to crack mystery of the two skulls
Two skulls, one poet. It is a riddle that has been vexing experts for years. But now scientists hope to finally determine which skull belonged to Germany's most famous playwright, Friedrich Schiller.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:15 PM
Almas, The Modern-Day Cavemen
Awesome Or Off-Putting takes a look.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:13 PM
Mayors Backing To Find Pirates Hidden Hoard
The treasure is thought to be that of pirates Captain Kidd and Henry Avery who had associations with Oak Island, a small privately-owned piece of land near the coast of Nova Scotia.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:12 PM
Symbol In NYC Building Becomes History Mystery
Triangular shapes found in the wall of a New York City building have confounded historians.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:01 PM
Chupacabra, coyote or ... ?
Strange animals are sighted in DeWitt County.With pic. See also: DeWitt mystery animal similar to Elmendorf Beast
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:01 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Is Big Foot a tall tale? Not for this crew
When Oakley resident Melissa Morrison used to come to Summit County as a child for family reunions, her uncle told her campfire stories about seeing Sasquatch wandering through the Uinta Mountains. See also: Bigfoot expedition makes a quick visit to Uinta Mountains
posted by Prof. Hex at 4:52 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Old-line Republican warns 'something's in the works' to trigger a police state
"The administration figures themselves and prominent Republican propagandists ... are preparing us for another 9/11 event or series of events," Roberts continued. "Chertoff has predicted them. ... The National Intelligence Estimate is saying that al Qaeda has regrouped. ... You have to count on the fact that if al Qaeda's not going to do it, it's going to be orchestrated. ... The Republicans are praying for another 9/11."
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:43 PM
New evidence in West Memphis murders
Reviving an investigation that ended 14 years ago, West Memphis police recently questioned the mother and stepfather of Stevie Branch, one of three 8-year-old boys murdered in 1993. Three teenagers were convicted of the killings.
See also: New DNA testing by the defense shows that none of the genetic material recovered links Echols, Baldwin, or Misskelley to the crime scene. Instead the defense claims the tests found DNA from Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of one of the murdered boys.
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:36 PM
The world's most prophetic comic book
Cannonfire has it.
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:06 PM
The Bible and the Paranormal - A New Perspective
Witches, wizards, sorcery, evil and unclean spirits, devils, ghosts, demonic possession and exorcisms, conjuring up and raising the dead, divination, trances, astrology, oracles, enchantments, supernatural healing, super-human strength, giants, dragons, and unicorns are but a few of the many instances of paranormal phenomena found in the Bible.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:30 PM
Physical Ghosts