Friday, February 26, 2010
Johnny Depp defends men convicted of satanic ritual murders
Johnny Depp, the Hollywood star, has added his voice to a campaign to free three men convicted of murdering three children in a satanic ritual.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:55 PM
History’s greatest illusionists cast a spell in magic exhibit
Running through Sept. 6, the exhibit illuminates the craft of the world's greatest magicians, from 19th-century titan Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin through 20th-century wonders Slydini, Cardini and Houdini to today's Las Vegas headliners, Penn and Teller.How good was Cardini? See for yourself...
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:55 PM
Migration to New World may have come through High Arctic
Two U.S. scientists have published a radical new theory about when, where and how humans migrated to the New World, arguing that the peopling of the Americas may have begun via Canada's High Arctic islands and the Northwest Passage — much farther north and at least 10,000 years earlier than generally believed.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:50 PM
Sex, drugs and WTF
Top 10 Rock ‘n’ Roll Myths,
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:48 PM
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Did UFOs and/or the Japanese Attack Los Angeles in 1942?
What the hell is that movie 1941 about, anyway?
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:15 PM
California police search for missing family
Police in Southern California are working with Mexican authorities in the search for a missing family and poring over hundreds of hours of border security videotapes, hoping to find some clues.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:04 PM
Hunt for the Codex Cardona
A retired UC Davis history professor turns detective, attempts to solve mystery of a missing Mexican treasure.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:04 PM
DNA test provides proof - Adolf Hitler last living relative found in Austria
The mystery of the ‘Hitler code’ is being unravelled: Who are the last living relatives of the Nazi dictator? Vienna magazine ‘News’ has claimed to have discovered one in Waldviertel in Austria.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:01 PM
Paranormal researchers to investigate big cat sighting near Norton Priory in Runcorn
Will Hayes, a Runcorn teenager, was on a fishing trip with friends when he heard rustling in bushes near his tent. When he shone his torch at the bushes he saw ‘large, feline eyes’ with a ‘big, black body’.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:01 PM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Host George Noory brings talk of the supernatural back to earth
Whatever critics might say about George Noory, he earns credit for keeping an open mind.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:11 PM
"Sea monster" tissue sample sent for scientific analysis
A tissue sample collected from the remains of a large sea animal found on Lower Cove beach last week has been sent for analysis, but it is likely the remnants of a long-dead whale or basking shark.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:01 PM
Play about famous mystery set to debut
A new, fictional play written about famed Oak Island is set to debut this spring … in Alabama of all places.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:52 PM
James Gang visited central Texas town
Sometime between an $1,800 stagecoach robbery in September 1880 in Mammoth Cave, Ky., and a $5,300 payroll heist in March 1881 in Muscle Shoals, Ala., the notorious James Gang rode anonymously into Rockdale for a brief rest and reunion with a former colleague.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:46 PM
Mafia Museum To Open In East Village
The building at 80 St. Mark's Place, in the heart of the East Village, held an old speakeasy during Prohibition, owned by a gangster named Walter Scheib.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:24 PM
Monday, February 22, 2010
Another 'sea creature': Mysterious headless marine animal washes ashore
With pic.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:01 PM
Puzzles in artwork? Find answers in the stars
Texas State University professor Don Olson solves art mysteries with science.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:51 PM
Tudor murder mystery solved?
For more than four centuries it has been one of the great unsolved deaths of the Tudor age. Did Amy, wife of Elizabeth I's favourite, Robert Dudley, break her neck after an accidental fall down the stairs, or was she murdered to clear the way for her husband to marry the Queen?Audio.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:51 PM
Thousand-Year-Old Temple Continues To Lure Tourists
A question that baffles many relates to construction of the 'kalasha' or dome of the main temple. It is still a mystery that how the task of lifting a monolith weighing more than 80 tonnes was done for building it, PTI said.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:47 PM
Michael Moorcock's rules for writers
We asked some of the most esteemed contemporary authors for any golden rules they bring to their writing practice. Here are Michael Moorcock's.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:39 PM
Danish expert: Analysis of Tycho Brahe’s remains could provide interesting clues to Denmark’s history
The famous Danish-born scholar died in Prague in 1601 under suspicious circumstances. Peter Andersen, who has a theory linking Danish king Christian to the astronomer’s death, says research should be done in Denmark as well, and that the consequences could be far reaching.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:22 PM
Why Is Consciousness So Baffling?
There are many things that we humans cannot explain, but the greatest of these is our own consciousness.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:18 PM
Caravaggio's madness 'caused by lead poisoning'
Caravaggio's bar brawling and hell-raising exploits were the result of lead poisoning from the paints he used, Italian researchers have claimed.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:14 PM
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Real Paranormal Activity: 5 Most Convincing "Real" Paranormal Cases
We live in a rational world with rational laws. Tales of the paranormal and supernatural have no place in real life... Or do they?
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:56 PM
Human bones could reveal truth of Japan's 'Unit 731' experiments
More than 60 years after the end of the Second World War, the name "Unit 731" still has the power to generate shock, revulsion and denial in Japan.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:38 AM
I added to the links.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:10 AM
"Shangri-La" Caves Yield Treasures, Skeletons
A treasure trove of Tibetan art and manuscripts uncovered in "sky high" Himalayan caves could be linked to the storybook paradise of Shangri-La, says the team that made the discovery.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:01 AM
Friday, February 19, 2010
Casanova’s steamy memoirs given to French library
The manuscript given to France's national library Thursday begins simply, yet seductively: "The story of Jacques Casanova ... written by himself."
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:06 AM
Alfred "Slick" Surratt, RIP
A great and good man passed today
Baseball Around the Horn: Slick: A Good and Noble Man
Remembering a baseball player so we don’t forget the mistakes of our past
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:42 AM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hairy creature roaming Virginia mountains?
At Mike Conley's Tales of the Weird.
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:24 PM
The Religious Struggle over Cryptozoology
Having written on the religious dimension of a West Virginian cryptid known as the Mothman, I wanted to talk to Coleman about the strange relationship between cryptozoology and religion. As it turns out, the search for hidden animals attracts two very different religious elements: the New Age and creationism.
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:22 PM
Peter Straub Interview
Interesting interview with author Peter Straub. His new book is A Dark Matter .
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:11 PM
The Weird Weirdos Accused of Murdering Robert Wone
The Robert Wone murder case just got infinitely weirder. For a more in depth look at the case please see Who Murdered Robert Wone?
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:36 PM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The miniature coffins found on Arthur's Seat | CFI Blogs
That, early in July, 1836, some boys were searching for rabbits' burrows in the rocky formation, near Edinburgh, known as Arthur's Seat. In the side of a cliff, they came upon some thin sheets of slate, which they pulled out.
Little cave.
Seventeen tiny coffins.
Three or four inches long. Classic tale of the unexplained with awesome pic.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:55 PM
Spring-heeled Jack and the terrified child
Spring-heeled Jack cut such a fearsome figure in his prime that it is no surprise that he has been blamed, over the years, for causing a number of fatalities. On at least one occasion he is supposed to have actually murdered his victim, but in most cases he is said to have polished them off using that old bogeyman's stand-by, the ability to frighten an unfortunate witness to death. Via The Anomalist.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:36 PM
Woman found guilty in fortuneteller slaying
A woman was convicted Tuesday in the bizarre killing of a Westminster fortuneteller and her daughter four years ago that prosecutors said was motivated by a spell that didn't work.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:45 AM
Rare Oarfish Caught on Camera
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:42 AM
Clay figures are missing link in history of Africa
Eighty ancient clay figures have been discovered by archaeologists at The Universities of Manchester and Ghana, showing that a sophisticated society - now forgotten - once existed in West Africa.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:04 AM
King Tut Walked with a Cane, Study Says
And most likely died from malaria.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:21 AM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Is this world a hologram and God a laser beam?
GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in. "It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time… If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram.”
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:26 AM
New Links
I added the Synchromysticism Forum and the Unexplained Mysteries to the links.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:06 AM
Psychologist banned for doing exorcisms
An Australian psychologist who helped perform exorcisms on his patients and believed in "satanic abuse" was banned from practicing in NSW, The Daily Telegraph reports.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:01 AM
Lake Monster Legend to Attract Tourists to Northwestern Bulgaria
A project to reenact the legend about the evil water bull living in the depths of the Rabishko Lake in north-western Bulgaria, seeks to becoming the region’s next tourist attraction.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:00 AM
Monday, February 15, 2010
Skeletons in the closet
Utah State Archaeologist Kevin Jones has seen a lot of skeletons in his time. So last May, when National Geographic Adventure magazine printed a story claiming that someone had found the bones of Everett Ruess -- the legendary itinerant nature lover and writer who disappeared into the southern Utah desert 75 years ago -- Jones and his colleague, Derinna Kopp, had their doubts.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:44 PM
Hut ruins rediscovered on Mt Somers
Modern technology has led to the rediscovery of mystery hut ruins on Mt Somers. The hut is believed to date back to the 1870s and may be a former musterers’ or boundary keeper’s hut. With pic of ruined hut.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:34 PM
Brain surgery boosts spirituality
Removing part of the brain can induce inner peace, according to researchers from Italy. Thanks, Scott!
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:34 PM
Michelangelo's Dream: what was on his mind
A new exhibition reveals what was really on Michelangelo’s mind when he drew The Dream.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:31 PM
Ancient DNA Points to Additional New World Migration
A 4,000-year-old Greenland man just entered the scientific debate over the origins of prehistoric populations in the Americas.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:30 AM
Demon busters meet near Warsaw
More than 80 priests from all over Poland attended the 22nd Exorcists’ Congress at the Roman Catholic sanctuary of Niepokalanow, near Warsaw.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:14 AM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Turkey’s ancient sites: The archeologists’ cut
The Hittites, the Phrygians, the Urartians. Turkey’s most famous archeological sites tend to be those dating back to the Greco-Roman period.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:49 PM
Mysteries of love celebrated at mysterious Coral Castle
Love is an essential part of the story of the 1,100-ton mansion created from Florida coral and limestone. There's a staircase carved out from a single piece of rock, a sundial, the world's largest carved heart and a coral hammered into the shape of Florida -- complete with a small pond meant to represent Lake Okeechobee.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:32 PM
Squaxin Island tribe pays tribute to rare whale
Here on this inlet in far South Sound, a visitor recently arrived from distant waters, and the Squaxin Island tribe did what their ancestors taught them: They welcomed an honored guest.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:14 PM
DNA tests solve King Tut’s mystery
Egyptian archaeologists claim to have finally solved the mystery of the lineage of boy King Tutankhamun, more than 30 centuries after the pharaoh was sealed in a gold coffin.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:12 PM
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Lost Lizard People of Los Angeles (1934)
From 1934 Los Angeles Times article about lizard people who lived in tunnels under the city 5,000 years ago.One of my favorites, now with a map! Thanks, Scott!
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:23 PM
Man, 79, says he's Lindbergh's 'baby'
The man who opened the door of an Ocean Street hotel room offered a deadpan introduction.
"I'm Charles Lindbergh Jr. Please, come in."Via Fark.
posted by Prof. Hex at 4:02 PM
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A murdered spy and coded messages from beyond the grave... Will opening this tomb prove Shakespeare didn't write his plays?