Monday, January 31, 2011
Last U.S. WWI vet approaches 110
Happy Birthday, Mr. Buckles.
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:24 PM
Epilepsy Lead to Chopin’s Death, Says Study
Another layer of mystery has been unleashed over the demise of polish renowned composer.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:27 PM
The Roswelsh incident
UFO researchers believe an alien spacecraft crashed on a Welsh mountainside and that the Government covered it up.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:18 PM
Briarcliff’s Mysterious and Legendary Leatherman
As Ossining Historical Society President Norman MacDonald so aptly pointed out, “The Leatherman is one of our greatest historical mysteries.”
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:11 PM
Report: WW II pilot recalls seeing flying 'mystery spheres' over Germany
Sixty-six years ago, during World War II, Everett Harris saw something he only spoke of sparingly to family members and a few close friends.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:53 PM
An Entirely Possible Legend: Vikings Steered Ships Using “Sunstones”
It all starts with an Icelandic legend about a man named Sigurd.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:11 PM
Thursday, January 27, 2011
RIP Poppa Neutrino
William Pearlman, a dauntless nomad best known as "Poppa Neutrino" who once sailed across the Atlantic on a raft built of junk, died Jan. 23 in a New Orleans hospital of complications from congestive heart failure. He was 77. Neat obit. What a life.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:40 PM
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Historian accused of altering Lincoln document at National Archives
The Archives on Monday accused Lowry of altering the pardon in plain view in the agency's main research room to amplify its historical significance.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:08 AM
Lair of the Beasts: Monster Rumors
One such rumor that has reached my eyes and ears from easily a dozen people, suggests that in the immediate aftermath of the massive devastation caused by the May 1980 volcanic eruption at Mt. St. Helens, Washington, elements of the U.S. military secretly removed from the mountain the bodies of several immense, Bigfoot-type beasts that had reportedly been found by rescue-workers, and that had presumably been killed by the overwhelmingly disastrous eruption. See also: The Mysteries of the Pleistocene
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:22 AM
The search for the ‘Lord God Bird’
Quest to find ivory-billed woodpecker chronicled in ‘eco-noir’ documentary.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:19 AM
The year 2011, according to Thomas Edison in 1911
100 years ago, a newspaper published Thomas Edison's musings on the far-off future of 2011. According to the famed inventor, we should be driving around in solid gold taxis.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:14 AM
Rocket man loves his Parachute
Dan Schlund will get a bird's eye view of this weekend's Parachute Christian Music Festival, at Mystery Creek, from his hydrogen peroxide powered rocket pack.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:10 AM
Civil War Gun Mystery Solved: Museum Recovers $50K Confederate Revolver Stolen In 1975
A woman in Knoxville, Tenn., discovered the gun in December in her late father's belongings. She tried to sell it to an Ohio antique dealer who traced the gun to the museum.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:06 AM
Can you solve a 20-year mystery?
Can you ID this strange medical machine?
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:02 AM
New documentary to focus on Mothman mystery
According to a news release from Red Line Studios, Inc., Eyes of the Mothman is the first comprehensive feature documentary on the mysterious events that surrounded the area in 1966.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:57 AM
Trash becomes treasure
Diamant believes the drawings were created roughly from 1900 to 1910 by someone in a mental hospital in Nevada, Mo.
The works were all completed on ledger paper marked "State Hospital No. 3" or "State Lunatic Asylum No. 3."Neat story.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:56 AM
Monday, January 24, 2011
RIP Jack LaLanne
One of my personal heroes, Jack LaLanne, has passed. Thanks for everything, Jack.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:07 PM
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Daniel B. Fearing Bookplate
I thought this was a cool bookplate. Fearing was a noted book collector and Mayor of Newport, Rhode Island.
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:11 AM
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Is this a pygmy mammoth painted on an Egyptian tomb wall?
A curious, large-tusked elephantine creature appears in the tomb of Rekhmire, an Egyptian vizier who died sometime between 1479-1401 BCE.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:53 PM
Could failed Fife assassin hold key to murder of Olof Palme?
A Former hitman convicted of trying to assassinate a Croatian dissident in Scotland has claimed he holds the key to the mystery of who killed Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:02 PM
Why I still want to solve 1891 murder mystery
A historian who has dedicated years of research to a murder mystery which has baffled a town’s residents has shed light on the killing 120 years on.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:00 PM
Origin of mystery footprints revealed
When giant, human-shaped footprints were found stamped in rock at a construction site in Tibet in 1999, local residents celebrated what they believed to be the discovery of ancient traces left by the legendary figure King Gesar, the hero of an epic poem at the heart of Tibetan history.
posted by Prof. Hex at 4:59 PM
Mystery man in the black fedora a no-show at the grave of Edgar Allan Poe
Those who have seen him claim he is a sinister figure, with a scarf around his face and a walking stick in hand.
posted by Prof. Hex at 4:54 PM
University researchers create networked flying robots that build complex structures
Imagine a future where massive, flying robots assemble complex structures like skyscrapers or houses, with all the machines working as one, coordinated through a wireless network and custom algorithm.
posted by Prof. Hex at 4:27 PM
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Capturing the Uncapturable
Bigfoot, Pascal Girard’s pitch-perfect second graphic novel, is a tale of one teen’s search for that most legendary of creatures — a girlfriend.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:17 PM
The legend of the lost DeGrazia paintings buried in the Superstition Mountains
According to legend, 18 paintings were buried in the mountains by the artist Ettore “Ted” DeGrazia, shortly after he infamously burned 100 paintings in protest of the IRS in 1976.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:12 PM
Abilene's great gator mystery of the late 1950's solved
Jim Freeman wanted to clear his conscience, and he is coming clean about his involvement in the great alligator mystery of the late 1950s.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:07 PM
Monday, January 17, 2011
Archaeologists Discover Oldest Wine-Making Equipment Ever Found
The facility, which dates back to roughly 4100 B.C. — 1,000 years before the earliest comparable find — was unearthed by a team of archaeologists from Armenia, the United States and Ireland in the same mysterious Armenian cave complex where an ancient leather shoe was found, a discovery that was announced last summer.
posted by Prof. Hex at 4:27 PM
Investigations continue into mystery explosions in Essex market town
"An Essex Police investigation is ongoing. We are liaising with other agencies in our attempt to identify the cause of this incident."
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:57 PM
Still crazy about stones
I grew up with a father crazy about megaliths, monoliths and "stupid old rocks put here a trillion years ago so Dad could bore us with them today".
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:47 PM
French nun says cure attributed to late pope is 'great mystery'
The French nun whose miraculous recovery from Parkinson's disease put the late Pope John Paul II on the path to sainthood said Monday the phenomenon remained a "great mystery."
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:41 PM
'Mystery spider' related to black widow
It belongs to the Theridiidae family of spiders, which includes the black widow.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:38 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Experience: I lived with wolves
'I ate what they ate, mostly raw deer and elk, which they would often bring back for me, or fruit and berries.'
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:40 PM
Cuba Underwater City, Ancient Aliens, and the Book Of The Damned
With videos.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:54 PM
Friday, January 14, 2011
Toynbee Tiles film gets cool poster
Resurrect Dead, the documentary about the mysterious Toynbee Tiles, has a cool new poster.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:51 PM
Story of the circus fat lady has many twists
While doing some local history research recently, I came across an interesting, unusual story. It was about a lady who lived in Branch County in the late 1800s. Her real name was Elizabeth Charlotte Stice. And she was a circus fat lady.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:59 PM
New Dashiell Hammett story published 50 years after his death
Case closed: An unpublished Dashiell Hammett story is coming out 50 years after his death.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:49 PM
The Neanderthal Nose Enigma: Why So Big?
A mystery of Neanderthals for more than a century is one that's literally as plain as the noses on their faces — why did they have such big schnozes?
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:25 PM
The glare of modern times has done little to dampen the spirit of Sherlockians
A Sherlockian, according to Graham Moore’s novel The Sherlockian, is not simply a devotee of the Sherlock Holmes stories, but a true believer in the theory that the hero of those stories was a real individual.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:25 PM
Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog
Check it out.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:21 PM
The Incredible True Story of the Collar Bomb Heist
At 2:28 pm on August 28, 2003, a middle-aged pizza deliveryman named Brian Wells walked into a PNC Bank in Erie, Pennsylvania. He had a short cane in his right hand and a strange bulge under the collar of his T-shirt. Wells, 46 and balding, passed the teller a note. “Gather employees with access codes to vault and work fast to fill bag with $250,000,” it said. “You have only 15 minutes.” Then he lifted his shirt to reveal a heavy, boxlike device dangling from his neck. According to the note, it was a bomb.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:20 PM
On the Trail of Da Vinci's Mystery Woman: 7 New Theories About the Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa has intrigued its admirers for hundreds of years, leading generation after generation to hypothesize what secrets lie behind the side-glancing eyes of Leonardo da Vinci's muse.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:09 PM
Joe Gores dies at 79; prize-winning mystery writer
The former San Francisco private investigator was the author of such novels as 'Hammett,' 'Come Morning' and 'Spade & Archer.'
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:07 PM
Journal’s Article on ESP Is Expected to Prompt Outrage
One of psychology’s most respected journals has agreed to publish a paper presenting what its author describes as strong evidence for extrasensory perception, the ability to sense future events.Thanks Scott!
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:31 AM
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Pictures: Blackbeard's Ship Yields Ornamental Sword
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:15 PM
Unexplained object captured on camera near Bendigo
Mr Davis, who is a retired camera operator, said he was standing at the back door of his home, facing west, when he noticed something strange in the sky.With pics.
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:36 AM
Unluckiest house number is 243
People living at number 243 have unwittingly chosen the unluckiest house on the street, according to a survey.Thanks Scott!
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:28 AM
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Horse Man of Bede
Some time ago, a correspondent who reads one of my newspaper columns sent me an extraordinary story which was duly published. This prompted an e-mail from another correspondent who told me yet another bizarre tale even stranger than the first, the substance of which will take up the rest of this blog.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:42 PM
Mona Lisa landscape location mystery 'solved'
A hidden clue in Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa identifies the exact location of the landscape which provides the background to the world's best known painting, an Italian art historian claims.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:47 AM
DNA upends century-old murder verdict
The celebrated story of Dr. Crippen, second in fame only to the case of Jack-the-Ripper in the United Kingdom, was a triumph for the early days of forensic science.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:42 AM
New Book Explores Secret Ancient History of Rock 'n Roll
Author Christopher Knowles says fast, loud and wild music dates back to the ancient world.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:04 AM
 See also: Gabrielle Giffords and Jared Loughner: Notes on conspiracy
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:15 AM
Monday, January 10, 2011
An unusual finding during screening colonoscopy: a cockroach!
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:34 PM
Orange Alligator Spotted In Sarasota County
With pic.
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:30 AM
Showers of blackbirds air out conspiracy theories
The moon turns blood red. The earth shakes. Soldiers die in wars. And the world keeps spinning, even though these events fit neatly into apocalyptic predictions.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:28 AM
Did Canadian prof solve a Mona Lisa mystery?
For almost a decade, Ross Kilpatrick has pored over every detail in the famed painting -- from the pictured woman to the diverse landscape behind her -- and conducted research to identify at least some of the portrait's hidden literary references.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:29 AM
Canadian mummified forest tells tale of a changing north
“It’s hard to wrap your head around that concept — that this wood was 2 million years old but wasn’t petrified,” he said.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:26 AM
Saint of Death hard to kill
Her skull-face peers from beneath a cloak, the Grim Reaper's scythe often clutched in her hand. She is the Saint of Death, icon of an underground cult that for many years has been the bane of the Roman Catholic Church and Mexican government.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:07 AM
Winnipeg man claims Sasquatch sighting
After a half century of nightmares, Winnipegger Archie Motkaluk, 70, has finally revealed the secret behind his decades of sleepless nights.See also: Web site tells of five southeastern Illinois bigfoot encounters
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:37 AM
Actress playing Amanda Knox says truth may never be known
Hayden Panettiere said unanswered questions over the killing of Miss Kercher, 21, in the Italian hill town of Perugia more than three years ago made it a "riveting" real-life murder mystery.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:27 AM
A clue to CIA mystery that has defeated the world's codebreakers
There is at least one secret that remains stubbornly safe in the leak-plagued global superpower. Indeed, the enigma stares the spies of the Central Intelligence Agency in the face each day.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:23 AM
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Jared Loughner: Manchurian Candidate?
Is Tucson shooter Jared Loughner a victim of mind control?My latest at The Examiner.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:44 AM
Friday, January 07, 2011
Further evidence of occult activity in Hopwas has emerged following the discovery of another buried artefact in the village's woodland
An Egyptian-style clay statuette has been uncovered by Tamworth man Andrew Lee – who contacted the Herald after reading about the discovery of an engraved copper tablet with magical writing which was found in Hopwas Woods last month.And: John Conway, who discovered the tablet with his metal detector, revealed the translation to the Herald this week.
He said the language and runes, some difficult to decipher, were Enochian, used in the 16th Century by noted occultist John Dee.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:28 AM
London`s oldest structure discovered