I've added some new links to the site for your enjoyment.
If you're feeling poorly, be sure to check out the excellent information on acupressure from the Shmuel Halevi's
Acumedico. I've already had some luck with allergy relief (swollen glands) thanks to the
Acupuncture Points Database. Be sure to check out the pressure point
H-3 Shaohai which offers relief from, among other things, stupidity and premature ejactualation.
It's always a good idea for students of the unexplained to study
Sir James George Frazer's The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion.
And be sure to check out the paranormal fictions and musings of
Indrid Cold.
Like Giant Monsters? I know I do! And nobody created cooler giant monsters than the legendary
Jack Kirby. You can check out his fine work and the creatures of other talents over at the super-cool
Monster Blog. The cover scans alone are worth a trip.
Have fun.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:52 PM