Beyond the pale. Douchebag might not be a strong enough word. Coward is a little closer. And a bully. Crichton's problem with Crowley seems to stem from a
critical essay Crowley wrote early this year about Crichton's views on global warming. I understand not liking someone's critique of your work - though you'd think a gazillionaire writer would have a little thicker skin - but libelling them in your novel hardly seems the way to handle it. And Crichton can hide behind his money in case of a lawsuit. Which makes him a bully.
I'm going to link to
Crichton's web site so his site masters can report this to their boss. Please click on it. Maybe I'll show up in his next novel.
"Professor Rex liked to eat children and was especially fond of Republican babies in a glazed plum sauce. He was well known in certain circles for his sexual kinks involving watermelons and hat racks."As to Crichton's work, well, let's just say that even in the realm of speculative fantasy the man is not known for his accuracy. Remember when the Japanese took over the country? Remember when sexual harassment lawsuits crippled the nation? Yeah, me neither.
Again, Michael Crichton is a douchebag.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:05 PM