Scholar of the Strange and Mysterious
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Professor Hex
Scholar of the Strange and Mysterious
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Hairy Hominid Hangover 
We've had the weekend to digest Friday's Bigfoot press conference. What are people saying?

Jeff Meldrum notes that the evidence for something is extremely compelling but he is not impressed with the materials presented on Friday.

This article wonders if money is the root of all Sasquatch.

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization calls the whole affair "a high profile hoax/scam by a desperate, nearly broke, career con-man, and his new corrupt cop business partner" and hopes that this will finally be the end of Tom Biscardi. They also have a link to the complete video of the news conference.

Cryptomundo still seems to be swamped.

Make-up & Monsters points out that the photos of the 'Beer Cooler Bigfoot' look awfully familiar while Bigfoot Sightings has washed their hands of the whole affair. Meanwhile, The Heavy Stuff wonders what's next?

My personal feeling is that the story will just fade away. Hopefully, the Georgia morons and Tom Biscardi will go with it.

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