Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
 I want to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:58 PM
Over decades, ongoing tales of the Billiwhack Monster of Santa Paula cast long shadows of doubt
Half man, half sheep — or goat — with white fur and giant ram's horns, the Beast of Billiwhack — also spelled Billiwack and also called the Billiwhack Monster — was said to hang out at Santa Paula's now-defunct Billiwhack Dairy, where its first recorded sighting was sometime during the 1950s.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:57 PM
Yeti Crab: First Live Footage
Cryptomundo's got it!
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:48 PM
Posthumous Pardon Demanded For People Executed As Witches
A petition calling for a posthumous pardon for women and men who were executed as British witches will be presented to Jack Straw today.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:32 AM
Bigfoot Man, myth or monster?
It wasn't until 1803 that a majority of scientists were forced to accept the existence of meteors. Until then, stories of stones falling from the sky were widely ridiculed as tall tales by the ignorant and impressionable.
Could Bigfoot be another example?
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:46 AM
Haunted by times past
Borley Rectory – a dark and sinister Victorian mansion set in a sparsely populated area of Essex – became, in the last century, a platform for a series of such chilling and frightening events that it was dubbed ‘The Most Haunted House in England’. More spook stories today over at Haunted Hex.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:36 AM
Family seeks clues in Cold War mystery
Their mission: Bomb Cuba. Its name: "Operation Trick or Treat." And who sponsored it? Almost a half-century later, anyone who knows for sure is still not telling.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:19 AM
Investigators of paranormal to visit America's Stonehenge
After 15 years of investigating the paranormal in places like the closed State Lunatic Asylum in Danvers, Mass., Audra Pinkham considers America's Stonehenge one of the only places that "creeped her out."
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:14 AM
Riverside County 'chicken coop murders' inspire Clint Eastwood movie, new book
It was a crime so monstrous, it led a Riverside County community to change its name. Good article, contains spoilers for the film. See also: 'Changeling' film has I.E. connections (with video)
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:07 AM
Idaho detectives look to solve missing child case
What happened to Ricky Barnett?
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:28 AM
Group identifies Lake Erie shipwrecks
When Tom Kowalczk first saw the murky sonar images, he wasn’t sure whether he was looking at anything important or not.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:00 AM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Vanishing New York
Added Vanishing New York to the blogroll.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:58 PM
Ghostly goings-on in our quiet backwaters
Strange events in Cumbria, including four people being "frightened to death by fairies."
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:48 PM
Mystery of Ferriday's 120-year-old Confederate war vet
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:38 PM
Pictured: The giant 8ft Lego man who washed up on the beach
With funny pic.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:14 PM
Mystery of Alexander Selkirk, the real Robinson Crusoe, solved
It may have taken nearly 300 years but archaeologists have finally confirmed the campsite of castaway Alexander Selkirk, thought to be the inspiration for Robinson Crusoe.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:11 PM
'Iceman' Mummy Has No Modern Kin
Sparking a new mystery about early man, Italian scientists have unraveled the DNA of the 5,300-year-old "Iceman" mummy, only to discover that he doesn't appear to have modern descendants anywhere near where he was found in Europe.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:08 PM
Eight-Armed Animal Preceded Dinosaurs
An eight-armed creature that looked more like a modern party favor than a living animal colonized a large section of the world's oceans over 300 million years before the first dinosaurs emerged, suggests a new study.With Cthulhu-approved fossil pic. Via Fark Geek.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:56 PM
Bite this, Haunted Pillar
The Haunted Pillar of Augusta, Georgia.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:20 PM
The Enduring Reign Of The Jersey Devil
As urban legends go, you will not find anything in North America even approaching the enduring terror of the "Jersey Devil."
posted by Prof. Hex at 1:08 PM
UFO Round-Up
IMAGE: Triangle UFO thought to be 'secret military craft'New UFO sightings investigated in Erath CountyWhat If the Helicarrier Was Real?Mystery object spotted over SimcoeUFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons SitesCLOSE ENCOUNTER?VIDEO: 'UFO' spotted over AsfordbyVIDEO: Air Force pilot tells all about encounter with UFO & gov’t secretsTwo New UFO Reports in Central TexasPROJECT SIGNAL FOUND -UK UFO LANDING CASESFilm-maker to document North Wales' UFO sightingsTexas men claim to spot UFOUFO Photographed Near Sosua, Dominican Republic
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:06 AM
Feel it in your bones
In a frightful mood? A church decorated with human remains might be just the thing.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:40 AM
Montauk Monster Predated by Moscow Monster
What makes the Moscow Monster so interesting is that, besides the alliteration and the same last name (and that the remains were water-damaged), the Moscow Monster predates the Montauk Monster by two years.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:33 AM
Halloween in the Time of Cholera
Vintage Halloween photos on Flickr from Steve Chasmar's photo stream. Via Metafilter.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:16 AM
Bigfoot sighting on Highway 101
During the height of the smoke from Mendocino Lightning Complex fires, a Laytonville man had an encounter with an apelike creature while driving north of Willits on Highway 101 near Shimmins Ridge Road. See also: Bigfoot hunters must change tactics
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:16 AM
Is the Taliban Stockpiling Opium? And If So, Why?
If international drug- and law-enforcement officials are right, the Taliban might be hiding up to $3.2 billion worth of opium inside Afghanistan, potentially causing huge complications for NATO's decision this month to attack Afghanistan's opium laboratories and smuggling networks.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:35 AM
Mystery of the five-legged freaks
Oddly high rates of deformation among salamanders, frogs and other amphibians have puzzled scientists in recent years. Possible causes include inbreeding, parasites or pollution that permeates the animals' skin.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:30 AM
Ghostly hosts: Guests, psychic report mystery presence at Lizzie Borden B & B
Overnight guests have reported chairs sliding across rooms, jiggling door handles and pillows falling off beds. The swishing of Abby Borden’s dress is often heard in hallways.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:29 AM
Man says he killed 10 women in Juarez
His confession adds another twist to the mystery in the slayings of hundreds of women in Juárez, which have brought unwelcomed publicity to the city and have been the object of books and movies.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:09 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Truly spooky encounters
With Halloween a few days away, I’ve gotten to thinking about the supernatural realm. Here are a few of my favourite eerie experiences around the globe.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:02 PM
Los Gatos, Saratoga boast some ghostly haunts
The stories you are about to read are true.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:49 PM
Ghostly images and troubling tales shroud Barkerville's history
It’s been well over 100 years since fortune seekers plied the Cariboo Wagon Road through 100 Mile and on to the gold-rich mining town of Barkerville.
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:50 AM
L. Warren: The spirit is still with her
In life, Ed Warren was a renowned ghost hunter and paranormal researcher. In the afterlife, from beyond the veil of the spirit world, he still is.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:59 AM
Wreck of Titanic sister ship finds new destiny as tourist attraction
Sunk in 1916, the hospital ship Britannic is set to become a seabed museum.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:53 AM
The guy who isn't Elmore Leonard
Very nice profile of mystery writer Loren Estleman.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:44 AM
Grave robbers make spooky Rice Lake cemetery spookier
Grave robbers stole the remains of an infant dead since 1925 this week from a Wisconsin cemetery long rumored to be haunted.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:07 AM
Mystery cat discovered in Ecuador is likely a pampas cat according to expert
With pic.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:54 AM
Obama has the pumpkin carver vote locked up.Hi Andrea! Say hi to your mother for me, okay?
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:47 AM
Give up the ghost?
Gail Ann Siegel’s search for the spirit she believes shares her home began with the haunting scent of perfume on an autumn evening.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:46 AM
Recent Central Illinois Giant Bird Sighting Rings Familiar
Today, October 26, 2008 at about 1:15 p.m., I was sitting in my pickup at the end of my driveway looking Westward, waiting for traffic to clear. I am located south of Lacon, Illinois on State Route 26. I saw two giant birds that were low over the field directly across from me; they appeared into view from behind a set of low outbuildings, probably 10 to 15 feet above the field. They were being pursued by a hawk, probably a red tail hawk or one of that size. These birds had a wing span of at least 10 feet.Via The Anomalist.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:12 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
More Meredith Kircher Murder Trial News
Raffaele Sollecito: knife collector with a stylish dress sense
Amanda Knox: ''angel-faced killer with ice cold eyes'
Rudy Guede: engaging drifter who boasted ‘I will drink your blood’
Man Guilty in Killing of Briton in Italy
Judgment Day
Kercher: Case that shocked Italy
Amanda Knox timeline
posted by Prof. Hex at 10:14 PM
Meredith Kercher murder: Guede jailed, Knox and Sollecito to stand trial
After a two-month trial, Ivory Coast-born Rudy Guede, 21, was found guilty of murdering and sexually assaulting Miss Kercher in the medieval walled town of Perugia, where she was studying Italian.
Judge Paolo Micheli also ruled that her American flat mate, Amanda Knox, 21, of Seattle, and Miss Knox's one-time lover, Raffaele Sollecito, 24, will be formally charged with murdering the Leeds University student. This might actually be good news for Knox and Sollecito - it may be harder to convict them of a murder when there is already a conviction against another party. Then again, I have no faith in the Italian judicial system so who the hell knows. See also: Lawyer: 1 convicted, 2 indicted in Briton's murderMan convicted of Kercher murder Rudy Guede guilty of Meredith Kercher murder, Amanda Knox faces trial
posted by Prof. Hex at 4:14 PM
The Antikythera Mechanism
With links to video and photos.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:38 PM
A ghost atop the hill
With pic. See also the Ghost of Maid Marian?, also with pic.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:35 PM
Stigmata? Nameless Condition, Mysterious Bleeding
Every decade, people around the globe come forward to claim that they spontaneously bleed and bruise without an injury, disease or chemical to cause it.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:34 PM
Straddling the netherworld, searching for witches
And consider, as well, the paranormal notable you’ve probably never heard of: Rhoda Ward.
Otherwise known as the Bridgeport Witch.
posted by Prof. Hex at 3:15 PM
King Solomon's Mines Rediscovered?
Copper mines in southern Jordan were active centuries earlier than previously believed, according to a new study that suggests the area was producing the metal at the same time the Biblical figure of King Solomon is said to have built Jerusalem's first Jewish temple.
posted by Prof. Hex at 2:59 PM
Dark curses, friendly ghosts abound on the South Shore
Balzano says the Triangle has been cursed since King Philip’s War in the 1670s, and he doesn’t think the spell will be lifted until the territory centered on the Hockomock Swamp is returned to the Wampanoag, along with a sacred wampum belt that was taken as a prize after the American Indians were defeated. (That belt was taken to England and seems to have disappeared centuries ago.)
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:49 AM
Mid-Missouri Pagans discuss realities of witchcraft
A witch is an ugly old woman, with warts on her face, dressed all in black with a pointy hat who rides a broomstick and performs evil spells, right? Wrong.
posted by Prof. Hex at 11:31 AM
History written in stone of 300-year-old Beaconsfield home
“So you want to know about the ghost,” said Barclay. “Look down this way.” She pointed to a dark unlit corner which looked to have an old water heater in it. She went on to describe how a previous owner had found a skeleton in the corner as well as prisoner’s shackles.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:56 AM
The Taos Hum
Awesome of Off-Putting takes a look.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:40 AM
The Mysterious Cough, Caught on Film
In Roald Dahl’s novel “The B.F.G.,” the title character, a big friendly giant, captures dreams in glass jars. At Pennsylvania State University, a professor of engineering has captured something less whimsical but no less ephemeral — a cough — on film.
posted by Prof. Hex at 9:17 AM
So you want to be a paranormal investigator
Gadgets and hints from the pros.
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:54 AM
Ghostbusters: Are military bases haunted?
"Military bases appear to be a popular haunt for wandering spirits, with several attracting the attention of ghost hunters seeking evidence of paranormal activity."
posted by Prof. Hex at 8:24 AM
Spooky Haunts and Tales of the Paranormal in Costa Rica
Every country has certain stories designed to send goose bumps down your spine. More hauntings today over at Haunted Hex.
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:51 AM
Creepy, kooky mysterious, spooky
Cristiano began buying up and selling antique birdcages and other pet-related antiques, and NorthFork Pet Antiques became a thriving business.
posted by Prof. Hex at 12:27 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Decision nears in Italy in Amanda Knox slain roommate case
Prosecutors rejected claims today that police contaminated evidence used for its case and requested that Amanda Knox of Seattle and her former Italian boyfriend stand trial for allegedly killing a British student.See also: Meredith Kercher's bra 'had DNA from all three suspects'Meredith Kercher's murder: the three versions
posted by Prof. Hex at 7:25 PM
Walter's wonderful witching wand
My dad, Walter Sehnert, was a dowser -- a diviner -- a witcher of water.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:23 PM
Vermont's expert of eerie gears up for Halloween
Citro has been dubbed the Bard of the Bizarre by the Boston Globe, and affectionately called the Ghost Master General for his chronicles of Vermont's monsters, ghouls and the unexplained — any one of his books is must-reading for the Halloween season.
posted by Prof. Hex at 6:00 PM
Peter Mastin - Chaos Magician
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:55 PM
Brain injury gives local mom a "foreign" accent
After a serious accident in 1981, life had become fairly normal for CindyLou Romberg, a caregiver and motorcycle enthusiast living in Washington's Olympic Peninsula. All that changed last year, when out of nowhere, she began talking like someone who'd grown up on the European continent.About two years ago I met a woman who had a unique accent that I couldn't place. I'm usually pretty good with accents and hers was extremely confusing. I asked where she was from and she said "Lees Summit." I then asked, "You don't have foreign accent syndrome do you?" She did. She had suffered a stroke and recovered completely except for a vaguely eastern European accent. She was surprised that I had even heard of the condition, but hey, I'm Professor Hex.
posted by Prof. Hex at 5:27 PM
Mahogany Ship inspires sailor to build caravel